Community Membership
What Does Hope Association Membership Mean to Me?

The driving force and strength of this Association since its inception in 1956 has been its strong, grassroots membership of moms, dads, brothers, sisters, friends, and community members who all understood that it takes a community to ensure that people with disabilities have the right to and should be able to live and be counted on as valued members of THEIR community. This is the same core message and philosophy that drives Hope Association in its service delivery.
As a member, you have the ability to attend the annual Association meeting where you can vote for the Hope Association’s By-Laws and Board Membership.
Board members meet monthly (averaging 10 meetings per year – this can change according to needs of the Association) to review and evaluate Hope Association policies and procedures that guide and oversee the operations of the many Hope Association’s programs and services.
The 11 elected Executive Board members then elect the Executive Officers for the Board: President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. All officers and board members are then charged with overseeing the Executive Administration of the Association’s programs.
The Association’s Board of Directors help lead the charge for the membership to be educated to the important legislation and regulatory process that impacts services for people with disabilities; both at the State and Federal levels.
Membership entitles you to regular communications concerning operations of all of the Association’s programs, an invitation to the Association’s Annual Meeting and Recognition Banquet and invitations to the annual Thanksgiving luncheon.
Membership means that you believe in Hope Association’s Mission and Vision for people with disabilities:
Here is your opportunity to become an Association Member for 2021.
As a member of the association, you demonstrate your support of people in need. You support the work Hope Association continues to do with individuals in our community, their worksites, and their homes.
We are especially excited to spend some time with you at our Annual Dinner meeting to be held on
May 20, 2021 at 4pm @ 85 Lincoln Ave, Rumford, ME
Thank you so much for your continued support. Please friend our Facebook page, where weekly updates are posted. Testimonies are always appreciated!!
Membership fee is fifteen dollars ($15.00) per individual or family.
As partners in our community, we will provide leadership, residential, case management, vocational and community support services to individuals and their families through programs that enhance independence, dignity, choice, and individual well-being.
Hope Association envisions a world where all people are treated with respect.
Thank you for taking advantage of this opportunity to help keep this wonderful Mission and Vision alive for years to come!
Here is your opportunity to become an Association Member for 2021.
As a member of the association, you demonstrate your support of people in need. You support the work Hope Association continues to do with individuals in our community, their worksites, and their homes.
We are especially excited to spend some time with you at our Annual Dinner meeting to be held on
May 20, 2021 at 4pm @ 85 Lincoln Ave, Rumford, ME
Thank you so much for your continued support. Please friend our Facebook page, where weekly updates are posted. Testimonies are always appreciated!!